Monday, November 10, 2008

My Girl Has Grown

The wonderful thing about keeping a blog is that it brings back lots and lots of great memories. I never once regretted starting a blog for Joey because now and then, I go back to read the blog entries, especially those I wrote on her first 6 months at I always am amazed at how much my girl has grown in the last 2 years. :)

I was looking through some of the old entries again today, and I cannot help but exclaim silently that JOEY IS SO CUTE!!!!!!

Check out these photos of her when she was still little.. I can't believe how chubby she was...

So cute right? :)

Now, my daughter is coming to 3 years old soon, and she talks so much now that we have to ask her to keep quiet at times. Hahaha... But although it gets noisy and peace-less, it is pretty entertaining to hear her talk. She doesn't talk jibberish, mind you. She talks very coherently. And if you mentioned anything to her before, she remembers everything and will remind you at the most inappropriate time.

Just like that time her David Shu Shu told her that if she doesn't eat her rice, she will have worms in her stomach just like auntie pauline (his girlfriend), she still talks about it now and then. 'Auntie Pauline stomach got worms eh.....' and she puts on that very 'disgusted' expression. Sigh. Be careful what you say to her. Even if it's supposed to be a joke.

It's been a very fun journey so far, and before Number 2 pops out, I'm going to enjoy every minute with my baby Joey. :)

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