Monday, November 03, 2008

She Loves To Listen To Stories

Joey is not like a typical little kid who loves to read.. In fact, it's been my concern so far that she doesn't like reading at all. When we go to the library, she can never plough through one book by herself. She will flip through very quickly then move on to the next book. Most of the time, she doesn't seem at all interested in what's in the books at all.

But the interesting that although she doesn't like reading (by herself), she loves to listen to stories. She will get many people to read her story after story, and even though she has heard the stories before, she would insist on listening to it again and again.

She's very blessed though, because she has got many many hand-me-down books from her cousins. She's got books she can read from now till 12 years old!!

This stack is just for 3-year-olds.. :)

She loves to take out book by book and make me read to her! Some of the stories she already knows so well that if a 2nd person tells her the same story and it's a different version, she'll correct that person! Hahaha...

Sidetrack, Joey insisted on wearing her 'ball ball' clothes out for dinner just now. Very weird...

Dunno what she's up to.. =D

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