Saturday, November 01, 2008

Joey’s Gonna Be A Jie Jie!

Yeh, Joey's gonna be a jie jie next year June.

Used the pregnancy kit because I was experiencing morning sickness. Sounds like an inexperienced preggy lady, but it's quite true to a certain extent. Haha.. With Joey, I knew about the pregnancy only after the first trimester, so I totally missed the morning sickness and nausea during the first trimester. This is something new to me, actually. keke...

Perhaps it's psychological. This pregnancy seemed more difficult than the first one. Or maybe it's because I am alrewady 30 years old. Every morning, I would feel like puking and although most of the time, I don't actually puke, the feeling can be really uncomfortable. Apart from that, it's the lethargy and fatigue that exist whole day round. Sometimes, I rather I didn't know about it yet! Haha..

Then again, many mothers have shared with me before that every pregnancy is different from the other, so cannot really expect the same things or symptoms to happen in every pregnancy. Anyway, I am already 9 weeks pregnant, so in 3 weeks' time, the first trimester is over! So far so good lah!

I changed to a different gynae this time round, and it's gonna be Dr Fong from Gleneagles. He's the gynae who delivered Pst Kong & Sun's baby Dayan, as well as many of our church staff and church members' babies. So far, my experience with him has been very good. He is very experienced and professional.

Joey has been very sweet so far. The moment she knows that there is a baby in Mummy's tummy, she has been praying for the baby. She would put her little hand on my tummy and say a prayer. Very very cute. :) And quite a surprise to me actually, cos so far, she's been a very jealous kid. She wouldn't allow me to carry other babies or play with them. If I do that, she immediately comes over and hugs me tightly and pulls me away from them. I was infact getting worried that she would find it hard to accept a new sibling, but so far, she's been nothing but happy and positive about it. The funny thing is when different people ask her whether she wants a brother or a sister, her answers are different all the time. Sometimes it's didi, sometimes it's meimei. Hahaha...

So we're off to another exciting milestone in our lives. Please keep me in your prayers that this will be a smooth & easy pregnancy! =D

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