Wednesday, January 07, 2009

This Sure Feels Weird

I think this is the first time that I am at home and Joey is not at home!

Really, really weird.

But I can work in peace and with greater efficiency while Joey is learning new stuffs and making new friends in her school!

Those things that run through my mind when Joey is creating havoc at home and I was trying to work, such as "If Joey is not at home, I will surely go and take a 5-hour long nap now!", and "If Joey is not at home, I can watch my online drama serials to my heart's content!!" .... all didin't quite materialize. Hmmm...

This is her snack box which we keep in the car.

The only not-so-good thing about childcare services is that the kids eat sooooooo little and don't drink enough milk (in my opinion). The teachers told me right from the start that they will only make one bottle of milk for Joey before she sleeps and that's it. To them, milk is no longer important once they start on solids. But still, milk will give her the calcium she needs and some kids drink milk all the way till secondary school! It's really beneficial for their health! If she's at home, she can drink every 2-3 hours!

And what about the meals they eat? The portions are so miserable that I think it's only half of what I prepared for Joey last time. I really don't know how she can get full on those.

So we feed her breakfast in the morning before she goes to school... sometimes bread with margarine or peanut butter, sometimes hard-boiled egg, sometimes cheese... Then she'll go to school and have her bird-portion breakfast. By the time we pick her up from school in the evening, she's usually super hungry by then even though she just had biscuits or bread at tea time around 3pm. So, she'd gobble up the biscuits, chocolates or cheese we prepared for her in the car.

You should see the way and the amount she eats. The food at the centre cannot fill her stomachs, for sure. And I checked with the teachers everyday. She always finished her food. Not enough, obviously.

Today, we left her slightly earlier than the past 2 days. She keeps holding our hands hoping we can stay with her, but she did walk into her classroom when breakfast is about to start, though rather reluctantly. I already think she's doing very well cos she didn't cry at all and was only hoping that we could stay instead of leaving. That's only natural eh? :) Anyway, it's only Day 3.

Daddy gave her an 'assignment' in the morning. He asked her to remember a friend's name and tell him tonight when we go fetch her. =D We'll see how it goes..

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