Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Adventures Day # 2

It's Day 2 of Joey's new adventures in her new school.

Joey was so exhausted that she slept from 6pm last night till (believe it or not) this morning 6am. Haha! She woke up full of energy today and was so excited to see her new Dora schoolbag!!!

The good thing about childcare centres is that they teach discipline and order, which is exactly what Joey needs right now. The moment she reaches the school, the teacher leads her to leave her schoolbag in her pigeon hole, leave her water bottle in the rack, take off her shoes & socks, leave them on the shoe racks and put on her slippers, then off they go for morning assembly before breakfast.

After assembly, the kids went to wash their hands before breakfast.. Joey was especially interested in watching other kids cry. I think she's very amused by them. I've caught her watching very closely whenever a kid starts crying for their daddies and mummies. hmmm....

The boy in blue has a maid who follows him to school everyday, and even so, keeps crying for her whenever she is out of sight for a while. Sigh... Not a very good thing ah?

Oh sidetrack: We realised today that Joey is the tallest in class! hoo hoo!

Breakfast today was cereals. Surprisingly, though Joey doesn't like to eat cereals at home, she finished her whole bowl of cereals and was even the first to do so. She was then praised by the teacher and asked to do some reading first while waiting for the rest to finish. She went to sit down at the reading corner and started to read quietly by herself, which was yet another surprise, because SINCE WHEN DOES JOEY SIT DOWN QUIETLY TO READ A BOOK?!! Looks like she knows when she ought to listen to instructions. =P

Half of Day 2 has passed and I am now sitting in Starbucks at Vivocity blogging away. Hopefully, no phone calls from the childcare centre today and Joey will take her nap!!

Update again tonight! =D


Updated: 6.40pm

No phone calls from the childcare centre today!!!

When we went back to pick her at about 5pm, she was just finishing up her outdoor play and helping to keep the toys. We were peeking at her from the 2nd storey, and one of the teachers saw us and hannd-signalled to us that Joey took her nap!! So happy to hear that! :) She also ate up all her meals and bread for snacks. She only refused to drink the beverage given to her at tea time, which according to her was 'tea', but we reckon it could be chocolate horlicks.

Great that she has managed to adapt to the routine and eating well. We'll probably ask the teachers to start her potty training tomorrow onwards. =D

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