Friday, February 06, 2009

No. 1 & No. 2

There are obvious differences between my 2 pregnancies.

For Joey, I found out about the pregnancy only when I was approaching the end of my 1st trimester. Too busy to notice anything then. For Number 2, I was paying attention because of my first experience, and I confirmed the pregnancy when I was slightly more than 1 month pregnant.

For Joey, I developed a hatred for coffee. The thought of it puts me off completely, even though I was a daily coffee drinker before that. For Number 2, i drink alot more coffee. The taste still puts me off sometimes, but I actually crave for it from time to time.

For Joey, I developed a high tolerance for spicy food. No spicy-ness seemed potent enough for me. For Number 2, no such tolerance. I can't take over-spicy food.

For Joey, I felt hot most of the time and I could go sleeveless in my supercold office. For Number 2, I feel cold most of the time. Most likely because my body is not as strong as 3 years ago.

For Joey, I drank zero amount of cold drinks and definitely no Coca Cola at all. For Number 2, only one phrase can represent: Hack care!

For Joey, I ate alot. My appetite was hearty. For Number 2, I lost some of my appetite. Now, I hardly can finish one usual portion of food. Most of the time, I have some leftovers.

For Joey, I felt her kicks in my tummy only when I was about 7 months pregnant. For Number 2, I started feeling the kicks at 5 months. Now at slightly more than 5 months, I could feel her almost all the time already.

And I am starting to get concerned about the amount of weight I am putting on. I remembered for Joey at the end of the pregnancy, I had piled on almost 20 kilograms! But up till now, more than halfway through my pregnancy, I had only gained a total of 3 kg! That's really little ya? And people around me have been commenting that my tummy looks really small for a 5-month plus pregnancy. Then again, for Joey, my tummy really ballooned only during the 8th month. Maybe it's gonna be the same for this one as well. I actually think it's better cos the backaches will come only much later in the pregnancy. The later the better. :)

I am starting to wonder if Number 2 will look like Jie Jie Joey when she was still a baby.... cute..... =)

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