Wednesday, February 04, 2009

I Am Guilty!

You know when I was much younger, I always witness similar incidents of parents who tell their kids that if they do not behave, the policemen will come and catch them, and I would think to myself, 'Policemen are good people what, why want to confuse the kids like that? I would never tell my kids that.'

But I am so very guilty of that.

I tell Joey when she misbehaves or when she refuses to listen to me, that the policemen will come & catch her. So much so that I think she probably thinks the policemen are the bad guys now. Haha!

Ok, so I am sorry. I should have said things like 'the bad people will catch you', but because bad people generally don't wear a particular 'uniform', it's hard to instill an image into her mind. A policeman in dark blue uniform is so much more recognisable. =P

At least I am better than those others who say, 'The bengalis will come and catch you if you don't behave!' Me no racist, ok.

Now my favorite line when I try to get her to cooperate in the morning at the childcare centre so that she would wave goodbye to me willingly is to say, 'If papa and mama don't go off for work now, our bosses will scold us!'

Now our bosses have also become the bad guys! =P

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