Tuesday, March 03, 2009

The Big 3

I almost can't believe this!

My baby Joey is coming to THREE in like..... errr........ 1 month's time!

That's pretty scary, considering how her birth is still such a vivd event in my mind. I kinda remembered having a thought when I was just looking at newborn Joey, wondering when she'd be three years old and I can have a decent conversation with her.

Time just seems to fly past like that.

This morning I was having breakfast with Isaiah and it suddenly dawned upon me that it's time to start planning for her birthday celebration. One thing is for sure, the celebration's not gonna be as big as her 1st & 2nd birthday. We would probably do a celebration in her school, and a small party at home just for uncles & aunties Joey knows very well. It's time she has a party all to herself, rather than a party for daddy & mummy to meet up with their friends. Hahaha...

Time to plan!

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