Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Amazing Discovery

Oh well, it’s not exactly as amazing as discovering a whole new lost civilization somewhere, or digging up some dinosaur fossils. But, it still is pretty amazing because it involves my kid. Haha!

I brought in my camera to Joey’s childcare centre this morning because I wanted to take photos of some of her artwork which her teachers had pinned up on the notice board. Just to capture some of her school life, you know? ><

And we came to this notice board which showed the birthdays of all the kids in her class.

To my amazement, she started introducing ALL HER FRIENDS to me one by one! This is Victor.. this is xuanxuan…. this is teru…. this is kah weng…. this is clarabelle….

She would point to one photo, and tell me that kid’s name, then point to the next, and the next, and the next, until she finished introducing everyone to me! She even knows who has got an elder sister or brother (and their names as well) in the higher level classes. OH MY GOSH.

And all these time, I thought she only knows the names of 2 or 3 kids in her class, cos she only mentions them at home! And so I was totally amazed.

End of story about the amazing part. I am moving on to her artwork finally.

Saw this whole wall of handprints.. so cute!

And Joey excitedly points hers out to me! =D

And these are some of her exercises done in school…

Family tree… (can u spot us?)

Met Joey’s good friend, Gwen (who has exactly the same slippers as her) at the doorway, and she waved goodbye to me to go play with her.

How enriching can school life be. Absolutely Awesome. :)

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