Friday, March 06, 2009

Good Reports From School

It's comforting to hear good reports from Joey's teachers. :)

As a mum who has just started her kid on preschool, the jittery & worry is always there. I always thought how good it is if I can get an invisible cloak & watch Joey go through one whole day in school without her & the teachers seeing me. Haha... then I'd really know whether she's being treated well in school, and whether she's behaving well, & obeying instructions. But that of course is not very possible unless I meet Doraemon in person one day. :)

That day my MIL went to fetch Joey from school & chatted with Teacher Janet alittle, and found out that they have got a new student recently, and the student is only 18 months old! That's really small considering the class is meant for those kids approaching 3 years old this year. But I guess for some reason, the centre took the kid in.

According to the teacher, Joey is the only kid who will take care of the little student, and run errands for the teachers by fetching the girl's diapers or clothes. Amazing ah? The teacher was surprised to learn that Joey is the only child in the family and has no other siblings. I think it's got to do with the 'training' she gets at office nursery, where she got to interact with younger kids like Dawn's Debbie and Sandra's Jayvon. She was afterall the big-sister-big in the office nursery just before she graduated to preschool. :)

How comforting to know that Joey will likely take on her new role as elder sister pretty easily in about three months' time. :)

Isaiah asked me this morning which date I prefer to deliver Baby Jayne. Hmmm.. I am thinking a Wednesday or Thursday would be good, so that Isaiah can enjoy his paternity leave and then the weekend after that to rest as well. :) That's the good thing about going for caesarean- Can plan everything nicely. hahaha...

By the way, Baby Jayne has been moving alot more these past 2 weeks, and we can see her movements across my tummy and the little kicks here and there. Pretty cool.

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