Sunday, March 08, 2009

A Very Educational Day

The Kuan Family had a very educational Saturday. We thought we haven’t brought Joey for some family bonding time in a while, so we decided to bring her to have some interaction time with Mother Nature. :)

Early Saturday morning, we set off for the Kranji Countryside. If you do not yet know, it’s one big area set aside by the government for all the various rearing & cultivation activities in Singapore. Trust me, that whole place is very U-L-U. From one farm to another, you drive past long stretches of roads where you thought you might not meet another farm and it’s time to turn back. The whole area is so vast! But I like it alot, because it really has the feel of a countryside- something we don’t really get to see in urban Singapore.

Our 1st stop is of course the Hay Dairy Farm where the goats are reared for fresh goats’ milk! Brought Joey there a long time ago, but we didn’t manage to catch the milking demonstration (9am-11am everyday).



The person explained to us how milking is done every morning, and how the raw milk will be collected via machines (for hygiene purposes), pasteurized then packaged for sale. Learnt several interesting facts about goats’ milk – It’s alkaline in nature (compared to other animals’ milk which are acidic) and it’s the closest milk to human breast milk because of its alkaline nature. After drinking goats’ milk, you are also not supposed to take other milk products within 2 hours to avoid ‘clash’.



Joey could get up, close & personal to the goats. Frankly speaking, the smell was not as bad as I thought. I think cows are worse. :)




Of course, we had to buy a bottle of fresh goat’s milk to try. The less adventurous me requested for the chocolate flavour one. Ok la, not THAT bad, but I only took one mouthful, and that’s really ENOUGH for me. :)


Our next stop was the farm next door, which grew DRAGONFRUITS!

The whole garden was very colourful, that I couldn’t resist snapping a few shots. Nature is beautiful. The abundance of colours, vitality & design.






Look.. these are rows and rows of dragonfruit trees!


I thought the trees look pretty hideous. =P


I think this is the flower.


This should be a budding dragonfruit? I am not sure…. so I went in search of a fruit that looks more like the dragonfruit we usually eat…


….and I found this! Looks more like it!


Next up, we left to have our breakfast at the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserves!


Just pay $1 for every adult, & $0.50 for kids above 3 years old, and you can get close to nature!


Oh boy, I love this reserve! So big and nice! Too bad Joey was getting sleepy, so we only managed to cover the shortest mangrove trail. We will definitely go back again! I love the smell of nature!!!


Had our breakfast in a very ‘close-to-nature’ cafe. Can hear the birds, see the waters with fishes… lovely. :) Maybe because of the environment, our food tasted really good.



After breakfast, we set off on our mangrove trail.



Pretty interesting. We saw many different types of crabs & fishes along the way. Also met an iguana and mudskipper.


Joey may not able to appreciate everything in the nature, but she sure felt free running and climbing everywhere!



Nice & peaceful scenery of the lake taken from one of the many pavilions along the way.

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Before I end this long post, let me show you 6-month-big baby Jayne. (try imagining her swimming inside!)



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