Monday, March 23, 2009

A Late Bloomer

Joey is a late bloomer in the department of puzzles.

While other younger kids like Jayden & Reagan are already becoming experts at fixing puzzles, Joey has been showing little, or no interest in puzzles. When I present a puzzle before her, she will mess with it for a while before moving away to something else she likes better. I admit it got me a little concerned for a while, because I wonder if it’s because my daughter does not like ‘intellectual’ stuffs?

To fully understand the gravity of the matter, you must know that Papa Isaiah was himself a PUZZLE EXPERT! When he was young, he would challenge himself by mixing up 3 different sets of puzzles and fixing all 3 in record time. Even up till now, he still has a passion for puzzles.

Turned out, Joey’s just a late bloomer. There was one day she got her hands on a set of Dora metallic puzzle, and she was hooked!



This is a set of 3 metallic puzzles and she managed to conquer them one by one very soon! Because it’s metallic, it was something she could play in the car as well, as the pieces don’t fall off. :)

So, seeing her fervent interest in puzzles, Papa Isaiah decided to buy her a new puzzle. Saw this really nice puzzle set that comes with a carrier bag at Attributes, and (without checking the price), promised to buy Joey the transportation series.


At the cashier, the price tag turned out to be $46! Papa Isaiah had no choice but to pay for it anyway, since he already promised Joey. =P

It has proven to be a good investment so far, because the puzzle pieces are huge and Joey plays with it everyday. The quality of the puzzles is also very good, so I reckon can last for a long time.





The completed floor puzzle! Cool.. :)




  1. Haha! She looks so adorably pleased with herself! ;)

    My sis's kids used to LOVE these huge jigsaw puzzles from Growing Fun. It is animal-sized puzzles, and really cute. U can bring her to take a looksee there too. Err.. not the cheapest, but it lasted my sister for her THREE kids la. Haha!

  2. Oh thanks for the tip, San! I love big puzzles too.. visually alot more stimulating too for her eyes cos of all the bright colours. Shall go check it out! :) If can last till Baby Jayne gets sick of it, should be a worthwhile investment!

  3. i really think joey looks like me when i was 3..hopefully baby jayne will like puzzles too.. =p
