Monday, March 23, 2009

Update: The Mummy’s Health

Thank you to all my friends who are concerned for me and Joey ever since we fell sick. Joey has more or less recovered. Her fever had gone down 2-3 days ago, though a diarrhea episode followed after that. That, too, had faded away by yesterday.

I was more sick than Joey, I think. And I was commenting to Isaiah that I haven’t felt so sick for very long. I was down with high fever the same day I fetched Joey home from childcare because of her fever. Visited the doctor together with her, and my fever was 39 degrees. The fever went down after each medication, but my cough got from bad to worse. All the coughing made my throat super painful. I had to take medication for the pain & swelling in the throat, the cough and for the fever. Sigh. On top of that, I had to continue taking my supplements during pregnancy – my folic acids, iron pills, calcium pills, fish oil etc. I was a pill-popping machine!

Joey’s fever went up & down too, and there was one night I had to insert a ‘bullet’ into her anus to bring her sky-high temperature of 39.7 degrees down. Scared me crazy. If you knew about her previous sick experience when she suffered a fits & had to be hospitalized, you should know how paranoid a mother can get after that. By the next day, Joey’s temperature more or less stabilized.

For me, the fever kept rocketing. One of the nights, it even went as high as 39.5 degrees! Gosh, for a pregnant woman, i think that’s pretty serious.

On the Saturday, I went for my gynae check-up, and they found my pulse to be unusually high. They put me on a heartbeat machine to track my pulse rate while I rested and tried to relax. Then tested my pulse rate again. Still high at 125bpm. And you know what my gynae said? ‘Think you should go for a ECG scan. It might be thyroid.’

Gave me a shock of my life la!!!

I have friends who have thyroid and gone through operations and have to take lifelong medication for it. And I know pregnant women are high-risk for thyroid, but I don’t believe it la!!

And so I quickly told my gynae, ‘errr.. but I am running a fever right now, and I am on medication for fever and the throat. Do you think that’s why?’

And my gynae went, ‘Oh, you are having fever? Then never mind, no need to check. You go back and rest. And stop all your supplements. They’re very heaty!’ (isaiah told him right at the start I had fever & cough lor!)

Sigh… gave me a shock for nothing… The next time I visit my gynae again in 4 weeks’ time, let’s pray that the pulse rate goes back to normal!


  1. now, you have passed the cough virus to me le...sigh..

  2. You got no baby inside wor, cough also never mind. =P If I pass to you and I recover, you dun mind right? :)
