Thursday, March 26, 2009

Life Changes

My tummy at 30 weeks


Life inevitably changes when big events happen in your life. And having a baby is a BIG event.

Baby Jayne is arriving in 2 months’ time, and quite frankly, I have done zero preparations for her. I’ve not bought any new clothes, or washed Joey’s hand-me-downs yet. I’ve not bought her new milk bottles and pacifiers. Not to mention new bed linings for the cot. But actually, there is no real rush because I can get all of those in one day of shopping.

Was just talking to Papa Isaiah last night about the adjustments we have to make when Baby Jayne arrives. Was in a little panic attack yesterday because it suddenly dawned upon me that I hadn’t formally asked my office nursery whether there is space for me to bring Baby Jayne in after my maternity leave. I quickly emailed the person in charge, but was told that she cannot confirm a place for me yet because 2 other people had approached her about it before me. Oh my God, what am I supposed to do if I can’t bring Baby Jayne into the office nursery?? What am I going to do?? Thank God the person in charge got back very quickly to me that she has checked and confirmed a place for Baby Jayne. *phew* At least one less thing to worry about now.

I have often contemplated the idea of employing a maid. But apart from the living arrangements (my house cannot accommodate one more person), I am fearful at the idea of having a stranger in my house, and in such close proximity to my kids. I am not comfortable knowing that I have to leave my kids in such a person’s hands. I guess it all takes getting used to, like how many of my friends have managed to do, but the first step is really hard for me to take. I can also see that having a maid comes with many benefits for me, like having greater freedom to do what I want to do and more time to rest when i need it. Friends who have maids tell me they cannot live without one now that they’ve gotten themselves a really good helper. But I think I’ll see how we manage with 2 kids first, before going down that rut again.

I need lots of grace from God, and strength & wisdom to continue this journey. We didn’t know how we could manage when Baby Joey came and we managed fine. Now we are back to that same stage of apprehension and uncertainty, and I am sure God will see us through once again, like He has always done so. Everything is in God’s Hands. :)


  1. hey... surprised that u will take pic of ur tummy "naked"!!!

    remember u said u don't like that idea?? why the sudden change?

  2. oh i got say before ah? Haha I frankly can't remember! I think I mean go studio and take those shots lah, with my face and all. Just the tummy ok ah...

  3. haha... i remember when u still preggy with joey... i asked why u dun go take those studio photos baring ur tummy one... u said dun want... so ugly!! wahaha... i think times change a person's thinking! =D

  4. Oh so long ago le ah? Hahaha.. I still dun think I will look nice in those studio shots, but I do take photos of my bare tummy, just never posted them up before.. =P

  5. so far, with 2 kids, im handling fine.good thing, reagan is in school. Just that certain church events, kw and i have to prioritize. I believed that i handle alright, u can do it too without extra help.. Hmm just that some times i wish i do have helper so i can rest! Hee.

  6. Ya man... the most enticing thing about having a maid is that when i desperately need to get some sleep, i can get it! wahahahaha..

  7. haha... well... pple's thinking changed... maybe by ur 3rd kid, u might want to go for studio pic already!

    anyway i realise that ur tummy is really big in the pic... haha... ur feet looks so tiny, like u will topple anytime! wahaha...

  8. The photo is meant to be funny la... haha..
