Sunday, March 29, 2009

Be Happy

Kids are supposed to be happy most of the time, don’t you agree?

I mean, if at such a tender age where they have no real understanding of the sufferings of this world, trials & tribulations that come with maturity, and the worries that come with responsibilities, and yet they cannot be happy, something is seriously wrong.

I’ve often heard adults make this comment, ‘I don’t know what’s so fun with this little game she’s playing. She can keep playing and laughing at it all day long!’

Isn’t that true? Kids can be contented & entertained real easily and they get happy at the smallest & simplest things in life. I do think we should all get back to that kind of innocence at some points in our life. Just to experience some form of pure joy. Just to escape from the hardness of life sometimes.

So often, I find myself staring at this girl and just enjoying the happiness and contentment that comes out of her. She cannot sit still, and she’s always doing something. There are just so many interesting things you can get just by observing her every move.



Being a mum makes me see things from very different perspectives. It brings out the best and worst in me. Ever so often, I marvel at how big my daughter is now, and am amazed at how fast she’s growing every single day. Now she articulates like a little adult, and has a mind of her own. She’s no longer a little baby. She’s slowly evolving into a fine lady. :)


I love being a mum. :) It makes me philosophical. Haha..

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