Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Big, Clumsy & Impatient

I am now in my 8 month plus of pregnancy, and Baby Jayne is coming very soon.

And so, like my first pregnancy, I am starting to feel big & clumsy by now. My tummy is huge, so I sometimes sway when I walk to balance myself. Not that I can help it, even though I hate behaving like a  pregnant woman. I think pregnant women should still maintain their poise & grace. Haha…

But what to do? Tummy so huge already.

But thank God really, that because Baby Jayne is not as big as Baby Joey’s size, I am not really experiencing backaches or swollen feet as much as my first pregnancy. Up till now, I’ve not really experienced any serious backaches. My feet still look normal in size too. Another reason could also be that I didn’t walk as much this time round compared to the first one. My hubby pretty much fetched me everywhere I went. Thank God for Isaiah!

I am getting impatient though. Hoping to see Baby Jayne soon. Perhaps because this is my Number 2, I feel a lot more confident about it. At least I know what to expect and am mentally prepared about how tough it would be. Then again, I never know for sure until Baby Jayne really comes. Haha!

What am I looking forward to now?

My LAST DAY OF WORK on Friday, 15 May! wahahahahaha… Before I go for my operation, I will go trim my hair & eyebrows, do my facials and rest alot, alot! =D

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