Tuesday, April 21, 2009

(Don’t Bother) Reasoning With A Kid

Joey now sleeps on her own bed in her grandma’s bedroom, in preparation for Jayne’s arrival. Got to keep the 2 kids sleeping in 2 separate rooms so that they don’t wake up each other. It would be disastrous if Jayne wakes up for her night feed and Joey wakes up crying as well!


So, last night, Joey was getting ready for bed, and suddenly got fascinated by shadows. Made me play with her for a while (you know those stuffs about making shadows of dogs & birds using your hand to cast the shadows on the wall), then insisted that I lie down with her to sleep.

I wanted her to learn sleeping on her own, so I told her that my stomach doesn’t feel very comfortable and it was a little painful (I think indigestion or something), hoping that she would understand and let me go back to my room to rest while she sleeps on her own.

Who knows, she started dishing out ‘solutions’ to my problems.

First, she went to fetch the Ruyi oil, and insisted on applying onto my tummy to drive away the pain (like I always do for her when she complains of stomach pain).

Then when I tried to explain to her that Ruyi oil is only for her and Mei Mei Jayne next time, she went on and on about how her Nai Nai also had stomachache the other time, and she too helped her apply the Ruyi oil and then she felt better. She ended the explanation by stating clearly that, ‘So Ruyi oil is for Joey, Jayne & Nai Nai.’

How politically correct.

Then she told me I should use a blanket to cover my tummy area (like i always told her too) so that it can keep that area warm and my stomach will feel better. By now, I was really hoping to go back to my room to rest… (very bad & un-motherly, I know).

I told you Joey has got a strong maternity side of her.

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