Friday, April 17, 2009

Can’t Do Without This……

The Glorious Ginger!


These ginger came all the way from JB, and they’re many times better than what you can find in Singapore. They’re so fat, fresh and healthy-looking, totally clean and absolutely delicious! =D

During my last confinement, my mother-in-law and dear hubby did a massive ginger preparation work for my confinement. They de-skinned the ginger, soaked it, dried it, minced it, then finally stir fried it using low fire until they turn brown & yummy! They were then stored in many plastic containers. Every dish cooked during my confinement will have a spoonful of this in it! =) Slurp just thinking of it! Ginger chicken, ginger fish, ginger everything!!

My MIL and hubby are a little fearful of the preparation process because it’s very hard work! Hot and sweaty and soaked in spicy air for at least 3-4 hours! But for my sake, hahahaha….. it’s for ease of cooking during my confinement, so got to do it lor! =P I am so grateful to them!

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