Monday, April 13, 2009

Her New Meh-Meh Bed!

Finally bought Joey her 1st bed! I personally like the bed very much because it’s white & comes with a meh-meh headboard! Heee…


We can’t wait to pose on her new bed!!!!



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DSC04052  When Jayne is big enough, we’ll probably switch to a double-decker or something that can hold 2 sisters together in one room. Till then, Joey’s going to sleep on this meh-meh bed of hers! =D Gonna stick some wooden alphabets on her bed headboard tomorrow forming her name J-O-E-Y, so that it’s more personalised. :)


* * * *

On a side-note, I decided to make her kitchen tools more organised, so I categorised them into this 4-box drawers from Ikea. The labels can hopefully teach her to recognze simple words too. :)





She spends so much time playing with her kitchen set that hopefully this will make her more organised too. =D

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