Wednesday, April 08, 2009

A Letter To A Very Special Girl

8 April 2009

Dearest Joey,


It’s your 3rd Birthday today! Happy Birthday!

It’s been 3 years since you’ve joined the Kuan family. Things have never been the same ever since you came. All of the 3 years, you have brought Daddy & Mummy so much joy & happiness. We never knew what true sacrificial love was until you came along.

There were times you got us really worried, like that time when you had fits and was hospitalized. It was the worst period for us, seeing how you grapple with the high fever and lethargy. Thank God you recovered very fast and was soon back to your normal active self again.

And how about those other times you got on our nerves so much that we can’t even describe the frustrations we felt? It was frustrating not because of what you did, but because we as your Daddy & Mummy, had to constantly learn how to teach you better, and teach you in the right manner, so that you will understand and grow up to be a fine lady. It was, quite frankly, a big challenge for us.

But most of the other times (99% of the time actually!), you were adorable, cute, inspiring, funny and incredibly creative! You have added so much colours into our lives that we can hardly even begin to describe it in words. Your presence never fails to light up the house, and with you around, things are never boring! At least, you will personally make sure that everyone is actively doing something… with you. :)

It’s obvious you are one talented girl. You love to perform, act, sing and dance. Your performances are always packed with energy, passion and a lot of laughter. Daddy & Mummy can watch you all day long and feel so proud of the little drama queen we have at home. Your passion for life just perks up everyone around you.

As I thought about those things you have said before, even those little words you spoke when you just started talking, it brings a smile to my face. You are always so candid and true to your feelings. You remember the tiniest incidents and talk about them over and over again. You remember the kindness of those who have played with you and pampered you, and you shower them with your smiles and hugs. I think you will grow up to be someone who will always appreciate those who have been gracious to you. And I think that’s a good thing to have.

And so, three glorious years just passed like that! In a blinking of an eye! We have done many things together in these 3 years, haven’t we?? =D We’ve been longkang fishing, climbed the Bukit Timah Hill, fed the goats at the zoo, gone wild at the gym, rode the carousel, played bowling, painted with pasta, folded & floated paper boats, stayed at chalets, built sandcastles on the beach, cooked dumplings & pancakes, had breakfast with the birds, went swimming, played at numerous playgrounds & spent many coins at kiddy rides… We even took the plane to Bangkok! Wow, we have done so much together.

Daddy & Mummy love you, baby. You’ll always hold a special place in our hearts.

Happy Birthday.


With lots of love,

Daddy & Mummy


  1. Aww.. a very touching letter.... *tear*

    Happy Birthday Joey!! =)

  2. wow... i wonder will joey cry whenever she reads this letter when she grows older???
