Tuesday, April 07, 2009

She Did Something Sweet

Joey did something rather sweet this morning. :)


We were in the car, and she started to play pretend. The scenario is that Baby Jayne is crying, and she needs to coax her not to cry. So she stroked my tummy and said, “Mei-Mei, don’t cry okay? Jie-Jie Joey is here.”

I don’t know what you think, but I really think my Joey will make a super good & caring big sister!

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Then seconds later, she starting singing a self-composed song consisting of lyrics that go, ‘I love you, mei-mei…… I love you, mei-mei…’

Heee heee… Funny girl.

To mentally & emotionally prepare Joey to accept Baby Jayne into the family readily, we started our prep talk as early as the pregnancy started. I had absolutely no experience in this, but so far, what I hoped would work really seemed to be working alright.

There were some ground rules I set for myself (incase you want to use the same strategy as me!)

1. I told Joey her new responsibility as the big jie-jie when mei-mei comes, so that she knows her status is elevated, and not demoted when a new baby joins our family.

2. I told Joey that when mei-mei cries or does something wrong, she as the big sister should teach mei-mei how to do it right. This is also to instill a sense of responsibility & leadership in her.

3. When we’re doing activities like drawing, or playing with dolls & cooking, I’d tell her that when mei-mei is finally born, she can play all those with her!

4. When her clothes are getting tight, I’d tell her that we can keep them safe in the cupboard so that mei-mei can wear them in future. She gets all excited upon hearing that!

5. I’ll be asking Joey to draw a painting and give it to mei-mei as a welcome gift. Then of course, we’ll be buying a gift on behalf of mei-mei to give to jie-jie Joey at the hospital!

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