Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Birth Story – Jayne

I was scheduled for C-section on Thursday, 21 May 2009, 2.30pm. Woke up at 6am to have my last meal before I had to fast for the operation. Reached the hospital at 930am.


My ward – Room 655


Waiting in the ward for the nurses to bring me my patient gown & to take my statistics.



Then I got a SURPRISE!

Dear Dear bought me a lovely bouquet of white lilies & roses! =D


I was soooooo happy! Dear was soooooo sweet! :)



Quite frankly, I was very nervous about the operation. The scary bits of my first birth experience was still fresh in my mind, so it made me pretty jittery. I was scared of the GA administration, the recovery, the getting-down-from-bed.. so many things!!!

At 215pm, the staff came to bring me to the operating theatre! The time has come!!!




The OR

IMG_1567    The whole C-section operation went very well. There were 2 anesthetists in the operation room with me (they were teacher & disciple team but both full-fledged doctors). The moment they placed the mask over my nose & mouth, I fell into a deep sleep within 2 seconds. This time round, I could feel myself spinning into a deep deep hole and gradually losing consciousness.

The waking up from the GA was a little terrifying though. They had this tube inserted through my mouth into my throat, feeding oxygen in. I heard many voices everywhere telling me, ‘Breathe!’, ‘Take a deep breath!’, ‘That’s right, don’t stop breathing.. take a deep deep breath!’ It was pretty chaotic, because I was in a semi-conscious state and hearing different voices and I felt like choking all the time, while trying my best to follow the instructions and breathe! How to breathe and not choke with that tube in my throat??!! Anyway, thank God they finally removed the tube after some time, and I could finally breathe properly. When I reached back at the ward, it was already 430pm. I was inside for so long!? Baby was out by 3pm!

Baby Jayne fresh from the tummy!


Papa Isaiah’s 1st pic with Jayne!



See the deep red marks on her cheeks? During the C-section, she was buried deep inside, so Dr Fong had to use forceps to take her out. By today, the red marks have almost all faded away. But it was really quite heart pain to see those marks at the beginning!



Everyone asked us whether she looked like Joey when she was a baby. I think she does resemble Joey MORE than she resembles either Isaiah or me. Haha!

Anyway, for the rest of the day, many friends came by to visit me, but I was in a daze, floating on a cloud. Haha… But don’t worry, I do know who came by. Just that I could not respond as much as I like because I was in a semi-conscious state. Thanks to all who came by to visit me. Really appreciate your love! =D

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