Monday, May 25, 2009

The Difference Between The 1st & The 2nd

Nope, I’m not talking about the difference between my 1st & 2nd daughter, but between my 1st & 2nd C-section experience.

Some of you already know that my 1st C-section experience was quite a traumatic one. It was an emergency C-section to begin with, and the entire time I was hospitalised, I had lots of pain and the first time I got down from bed to go to the toilet, the pain was so bad that I cried & cried and took one hour just to cover the few steps to and fro the toilet. One week after I was discharged, I even had to go back to my gynae to remove the stitches. Imagine how terrifying that was!

This time round was totally different. And thank God for that!

The C-section was a scheduled one. My anesthetists came to talk to me to explain about the general anesthesia procedure before the operation. During the operation, everything went smoothly. After the operation, I felt minimal pain! I could even move my hips, adjust my position in bed easily without much discomfort. My gynae’s nurse came to visit me every morning to check that I was doing okay. My gynae himself personally came to visit me and check my wound every morning as well.

Just before I was supposed to get down from bed for the first time, he ordered that I be given a strong painkiller, just in case the pain was too much for me to bear. Turned out that the getting-down-from-bed was a breeze! There was not much pain, and definitely not traumatic for me at all! Praise the Lord! (My gynae’s nurse told me that my gynae is very particular about causing pain to his patients. He hates it if his patients complain of pain, so he does all that he can to minimize it!)

The best thing got to be that I need not go back to remove my stitches as they were self dissolvable! Thank God for that! =D

So, you see, I am a much happier mummy on confinement this time round. :) If you are curious to read about what went through my emotions during the 1st delivery three years ago, you can click here.. :)

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