Monday, May 25, 2009

She Can’t Keep Her Hands Off Her

It is really amazing how much Joey loves Jayne, even though they’ve only known each other for a few days.

From the moment Jayne reached home today, Joey has been hanging around near her cot, calling her name lovingly (She calls her ‘以心’), and kept wanting to touch her.



She’s extremely protective of her little sister, and tells us things like, ‘Mei Mei can hear Jie Jie’s voice, that’s why she opened her eyes leh..’, or ‘My Mei Mei wants to play with me leh…’. She even told my MIL, ‘Mei Mei wants her Jie Jie, not you, Nai Nai…’ Hahaha…


Although it was tiring to keep telling Joey to be gentle and keep her volume down, it was really heartwarming to see how much love she has for her little sister. She assumed her new role as an elder sister very well! :) I sure hope it will continue this way!

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