Sunday, May 31, 2009

I Had A Tiring Afternoon

Didn’t manage to catch a nap this afternoon because Jayne was not able to sleep well. She had a long sleep in the morning after her bath till about 1pm. I fed her milk but she fell asleep only after drinking one-third of the milk, and no matter how I tickle her, shake her or twitch her face, she refused to wake up to drink any more. No choice, I let her sleep, knowing she’d wake up in an hour’s time probably for another feed.

True enough, at about 3plus, she woke up crying again. This time round, she finished majority of her milk, and I even burped her successfully twice. But not sure why, she regurgitated the milk and I had to change her diaper cloth, her clothes, her diapers… Let her lie down on the bed for a while, and she regurgitated again! Sigh… all in all, she regurgitated three times! By now, she was hungry again after throwing up most of her milk, so I had to feed her again. 4plus by now. Finally, after this last feed, she went back to sleep and is now, thankfully, soundly asleep.

In between while she was lying on the bed, I could do nothing except take photos of course! Hahaha…




These were taken after I wiped her face & hair with a wet cloth. Her hair looks weird, I know. Haaha..





Day 11.

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