Sunday, May 31, 2009

She’s Very Scared of Cold


The air-conditioning in my bedroom has always been set at 25 degrees Celsius because I heard before that it’s the most comfortable temperature for a bedroom. But apparently, it’s too cold for Baby Jayne.

Babies generally cannot take the cold very well. Even in a room ventilated only by a fan, she will also sneeze if we don’t cover her with blankets. Jayne is that scared of the cold.

And so, in order to give her a good sleep, we adjusted our air-conditioning to 27 degrees Celsius and it seemed comfortable for her, if we pile on 2 blankets at least. Haha.. no choice, she’s just too frail and small right now. Without the air-conditioning though, it gets too hot for mummy to get any sleep at all. =P

By the way, do you think Jayne has put on some weight? Her cheeks look more chubby to me now. :) Hope she’ll gain weight faster and soon hit the weight that Baby Joey was born with. Haha.. what a big gap… but I think she’ll catch up soon. She now drinks close to 90ml of milk at every feed. I think that’s quite a jump from the 30ml she had been drinking in the hospital, and she’s only slightly more than 1 week old now.

I have to get used to the feeding time she takes to finish one bottle of milk though. I am so used to Joey’s super speed that now that Jayne takes one hour to finish one bottle of milk including burping really takes a toil on my patience, especially during the night feeds because I just want to get back to sleep! Imagine spending one hour to feed & burp, then sleep for barely 2 hours before the baby wakes up again for another one hour of feeding & burping. Siong! But thank God Jayne’s timing so far has been quite good. Before I sleep, I would feed her either at 12am or 1am. Then she’d sleep and wake up for just one more night feed at 3am or 4am, then she’ll sleep till the morning around 7am or 8am. It’s very good already! At least I just need to wake up once during the night!

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