Friday, June 26, 2009

2 Kids

With the addition of Baby Jayne into the Kuan family, I’ve been trying to get used to having 2 kids at home, and managing both of them at the same time.

Yesterday was the first time we brought the 2 girls out by ourselves (previously we went out once or twice but always with my mum-in-law around). It was quite easy, because Isaiah could take care of Joey, and I took care of Jayne. Can’t imagine if we have 3 kids! Who will take care of the 3rd one??! Haha!

Before we went to Expo for SOS bible study, we went to have dinner at Sakae Sushi…

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Baby Jayne was asleep on the changing mat on the seat..


Joey enjoying her Cha Soba..





And monkeying around with Daddy..




This was what Baby Jayne wore to church yesterday… A classic pooh set..




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During the bible study, we initially wanted to leave Joey in the Children’s Church, so that I can be with Jayne in the nursery. But because it’s a bible study and not a regular service, they do not have programmes planned for the kids. It’s freeplay throughout the 4 hours, and they grouped a few age groups of kids together in one room to free up the rest to be used as overflow rooms.

The whole room was pretty crammed with toys everywhere and kids running around. When I checked in on Joey 10 minutes after I left her there, she was alone in one corner, stuffing  herself with biscuits I left for her and watching other older kids running around with teary eyes. Such a heartbreaking sight! I couldn’t bear to leave her inside for 4 whole hours, so I brought my 2 girls to artiste room insiead. The moment Joey saw me, she immediately hugged me and said, ‘Mummy, please stay with me? Please? Don’t leave me here alone…’ So poor thing. :(

And so, because I couldn’t bear to leave Joey inside the Children’s room, I had to jaga 2 girls in the artiste room for the 4 hours. Thank God Jayne was asleep most of the time, so it was not too bad. I just had to keep telling Joey to stop taking biscuits from the jar, water from the fridge, and stop making so much noise.

Yesterday in the artiste room, Jayne started wailing earlier than her expected feed time, and while she was crying super loudly, I had to try to make her milk while carrying her. Thankfully, Pastor Yong’s maid was free, so she offered to help me carry Jayne while I made the milk. After that, when I was feeding Jayne, Joey wanted to go to the toilet, so the maid helped me bring her to the toilet again. It’s times like these that i think having a helper around is very helpful. Haha..

But the experience did make me think about some things. For one, I probably won’t be able to bring both Joey & Jayne out alone by myself anytime soon. The reasons are pretty logical. When I’m feeding Jayne and Joey wants to go to the toilet, I can’t do it! I got to either bring Jayne into the toilet or Joey got to go toilet herself or at least hold the urine (if she can). And what if my Joey run off in a certain direction and I can’t chase after her with Jayne with me? All these are not terrible problems, just new ones to me which I need to learn how to overcome. Wish me all the best! :)


  1. all the best!

    and u never even consider what if YOU wanted to go to the toilet urgently and jayne is crying to be fed and joey is making a ruckus

  2. precisely. scary...

    i guess if i have to go toilet very urgently for big business, my 2 gals just got to go in with me, whether or not they are drinking milk at that time... =P
