Friday, June 19, 2009

Grand-Aunt Xiuping Visits

Jayne’s grand-aunt Xiuping (my MIL’s youngest sister) came to visit today from JB with her son Junzheng! They even brought us gifts & ang pows from the other relatives in JB. We’re so blessed! :)



Baby Jayne is aways alert whenever there’re guests in the house! =D


Yep, this is little Joey in her school uniform. We finally bought a set of uniform (unwillingly) because there’s going to be a class photo-taking session in July for her class, and everyone got to be in the school uniform. Previously, we only bought her the T-shirt sets because they were a lot more comfortable. But she looks quite cute in it la, huh? Even her ‘Unwilling black face’ looks adorable.


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