Tuesday, June 02, 2009

I Sneaked Out


Well, I had no choice! I was literally penniless, & I needed to go withdraw money from the ATM to pay a repairman who’s coming to the house these few days. So this morning, I went to the market nearby to my house & did what I needed to do & bought breakfast.

Well, strictly speaking, I did not sneak out. I asked my MIL and she felt it was okay for me to just go out for a while. Anyway, we needed money.

I have been cooped up in the house for close to 2 weeks, and my legs felt very weird and wobbly when I stepped out into the corridor outside my house. It was like I was doing something I haven’t done in a long while! I know it sounds exaggerated, but it’s true.

I must say it was good to walk in the sunshine. Oh man, I almost forgot how that felt like! I wished I was sun-tanning on Sentosa beach right at that moment. haha!

Anyway, I beseech you NOT to tell my mum about it. Promise???!!!


  1. wahaha... ok la... u didn't like go orchard road to withdraw $$... should be fine one...

    oppss... what if ur mom reads ur blog???

  2. Oh pls.. that will NEVER happen. Hahaha..
