Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Never Drink On An Empty Stomach


Never, ever drink on an empty stomach.

This morning I had a late breakfast at 11am, so by lunchtime, I wasn’t hungry enough to eat my lunch, so I only drank the soup that my MIL boiled for me, and thought it was good enough. Then I went on to drink a whole glass of DOME diluted with water. Bad move.

I was completely drunk in a matter of 5 minutes! I could literally feel the alcohol kick in, and my head started to spin. I couldn’t even walk in a straight line! I had no choice but to lie down and my whole body felt so heavy that I can’t flip my body from one side to the other side. My face felt stiff, and when I tried to smile, it felt very hardened. It was terrible.

Baby Jayne woke up 15 minutes after, and I couldn’t get up to carry her or feed her. Thank God my MIL heard her cries almost immediately and came into the room to help me with her. She could testify of how drunk I was.

So scary, I’ll never drink on an empty stomach anymore.


  1. wahaha... woman on confinement getting drunk at home? hahaha... this is funny...

  2. Drunk on tonic wine somemore. Quite unbelievable.

  3. LOL
    it must have been hilarious..

    ya i tried before :P quite bad.

  4. ya... drunk on tonic wine... power!! haha...

    never go that drunk before... can't imagine...
