Friday, July 03, 2009

After I Became A Mom

Yesterday night I was watching 康熙来了, and the topic of discussion was on celebrity pregnant women and women with kids. The celebrities who got invited onto the talk show were either pregnant or have kids. They were sharing their experiences of being a mom and what changes had taken place in their lives.

I was laughing and laughing throughout the show because I could not help but agree with everything they said! It’s really funny to hear how the other moms also experience the same emotions, thoughts and experiences as me, even though we may be living in totally different environments in different parts of the world.

And so, I thought to myself: “After I became a mom, what changes had taken place in my life?”

Many people generally say that after they have kids, the kids become the most important thing in their lives, overtaking their husbands. Their priority would always be the kids and no longer the husband. Strangely, this has not happened to me. Even though I love my kids a lot, I still don’t see them as more important than my husband. In fact, having kids made me appreciate and love my husband even more than before. He is still more important to me than my kids.

After I became a mom, I became more positive. I’ve always been a positive person, but now even more so. Because there are so many ups and downs in life due to the kids, I have to constantly stay positive in order to stay sane. And that is also the reason why I still love blogging about my kids after so many years. When I started out close to 4 years ago, I couldn’t be sure I could be persistent enough to keep blogging till my kids grow up. But, I’ve realised that blogging is a way for me to remember the happy & funny things that my kids have done. Every time I write about them, or when I read back the entries again, I am reminded of how cute and adorable they are, and my focus will stay on those good things in them. Thus, I can maintain my positive-ness about everything.

After I became a mom, I developed greater endurance. While I used to be someone who gives up easily, I now endure through the difficult times and bash my way through the tough situations. Perhaps because I know I don’t have any leeway to back down anymore. Perhaps I know for the sake of my family, I have to endure and persist on. Somehow, something in me tells me that I cannot give up so easily.

After I became a mom, I became more creative. More because my hyperactive toddler ‘forces’ me to be so. I have to constantly think of ways to entertain her, and to occupy her so that she doesn’t cause too many havoc. Haha… And that is also the reason why I’ve brought her to many places to visit and play before. I firmly believe that I have to create experiences for my kids so that they can learn, grow & remember.

After I became a mom, I developed more routines. Before the kids came, I could do many things on the spur, and as and when I feel like doing them. Now, every time someone asks me out for dinner or want to plan some programmes, my first thought would be how to settle my kids: Do I bring them, or do I arrange for someone to look after them? Routines keep the kids more at ease, so it’s something really necessary.

After I became a mom, I became more emotional & compassionate. I’ve always been someone who can cry easily. But after I had kids, I would cry at every small thing. A normal drama serial crying scene can make me cry. When I hear of sad stories of how some kids are sick with cancer, I would cry. When I hear of what touching things a father or mother has done for their kids, I would cry too. Generally, everything concerning kids and parents make me cry, either because it’s very sad or very touching. My heart goes out to the small children who are fighting diseases and parents who have to do through all the pain.

All in all, I love being a mom! =D


  1. awwww.. u make me feel like being a mom too!!!

  2. ewwww... then who's gonna be your husband??
