Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Baby Jayne Is 2 Months Old!

Baby Jayne turned 2 months old today!

BUT… we’ve had a really rough day.

She slept very well last night from 1am till 6am this morning, so I was secretly clapping my hands inside my heart that she’s showing signs of sleeping through the night!

Fed her milk at 6am and she continued sleeping until 1030am. Bathed her and fed her, and she slept again till 2pm. From 2pm onwards, my nightmare started. She was cranky and whiney and refused to sleep! She fell asleep many times in my arms actually, but the moment I put her down on the bed, she will start crying. This repeated many times throughout the whole of today. When I carried her, she would only be okay if she’s carried upright. The moment I tried let her sleep on my arms, she will start to fuss.

My aching back was actually much better this morning, and I was happy that I could finally bend my back again. But after a whole day of carrying and rocking Jayne, the ache’s back again. Sigh..

Thank God, Baby Jayne is finally asleep now (1015pm), and I would like to think it’s because of this miracle powdery product known as Pak Poh Powder. Bought it from Eu Yan Seng and it supposedly works to calm the nerves of kids so that they can sleep better. Joey used to take this too, and we’ve seen how it worked wonders to let her have a good night’s sleep.


But good things always come with a price. Inside this package, there are 6 small bottles like this one:


Instructions say that for kids below 2 years old, they should take one bottle twice a day. But, we only gave Jayne 1/3 of a bottle since she’s still so young. Joey took the rest. Each small bottle costs around $5.00 each. Very expensive eh?

BUT… after feeding Jayne the miracle powder, she fell asleep! And that’s like after 8 hours of non-sleep! Man, I am seriously exhausted now.. and back’s aching like crazy! I better go take my meds. Ciao…


  1. We have placed a link on your site (url) previously, for AIG’s Health Insurance, linking to http://www.aigdirect.co.uk/
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    Please let me know if you can, or also let me know if this is a problem too.
    Sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for your understanding.

  2. Hi Cleodine, I checked my link. It's already pointing to http://www.aigdirect.co.uk/health.
