Wednesday, July 01, 2009

I Did This To Her.

Last Sunday I brought my girls to my parents’ place to spend time with them (It was Baby Jayne’s 1st visit to her Gong Gong & Po Po’s house! But that’s not the point of this entry..).


(yep, that’s joey squeezing her butt into jayne’s pink bumbo)

The following conversation took place between my dad & I:

[Joey was running around, up to her monkey tricks again…]

Me: Pa, Joey is really active hor? Last time when I was young, I was never so active hor?

[It was not supposed to be a trick question. I had this strong confidence that my dad would say something like, ‘Ya, you were very guai last time… not so active….’]

To my surprise…..

Dad: Hahaha… No, you were the SAME… very active..

Thunderbolt flashed across my eyes…

I can’t believe I am the one responsible for Joey’s hyperactive personality! Nooooooooooo….

Is this what sowing and reaping is all about? sobs…


  1. haha serves u right!

    i am sure my kids will be v guai and clever de.

  2. ......

    but they'll not be very honest, will they?

  3. choy choy choy.. they'll be very conscious of their strengths and not ashamed of them.

  4. Ya, they'll be very conscious of their mum's strengths and not ashamed of their dad...

  5. why did i marry a hyper-active woman???
