Tuesday, June 30, 2009

40 Days Old

Baby Jayne has come into our lives for 40 days! =D

(which also means that 40 days have gone from my maternity leave. bleh)

I have been contemplating the whole day whether to bring Baby Jayne out shopping. It seems that I am a lot lazier nowadays compared to last time when Joey was a baby.

Perhaps I was younger and had more energy? Perhaps our current flat is not on a lift landing, so it’s logistically more challenging to bring baby out? I mean, last time I could just pop Joey into the stroller and off we go, even if it meant I had to walk 15 minutes from my house to the MRT station. Now, I got to figure out a way to bring the stroller down the stairs without any help. An alternative would be to bring Jayne out in the baby pouch. But apart from that, still got to pack all the diapers, milk powder, hot & cold water, bottles, extra clothes etc etc. Still got to carry that heavy bag along with the baby in the pouch. That’s a few kg at least. Hmmm… That makes me think twice before wanting to go out. =P

Maybe I will be able to find the strength to go out tomorrow, or the day after that, or … next week?? I hope so!


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Now that she is beginning to smile more, she’s just showing  her adorable side all the time! And I’m looking forward to days ahead when she’ll be even more responsive!

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