Friday, July 17, 2009

Mummy’s Voice


A few days ago, my mum-in-law helped to look after Baby Jayne for me while I went out to buy some things. When I reached home, my mum-in-law told me that baby refused to sleep during the entire time I was out. In fact, she was still sleeping when I left, but the moment I stepped out of the house, she started to whine.

During the couple of hours I was out, my mum-in-law tried to coax her by carrying her, rocking her, feeding her milk and talking to her, but each time she looked up and saw my mum-in-law’s face and heard her voice, she would pout and cry.

It seems that she has started to recognise my voice & smell!

And so, the moment I reached home and told her that Mummy is home, put her down onto her cot & patted her for 3 minutes, she fell asleep. She’s reaching a significant milestone in her growing up!

Apart from that, since 2 weeks ago, Jayne has started to hold gazes for a longer period of time. After her milk, she would lie on the bed staring at the ceiling. If I go talk to her and face her directly, she would stare at my face intently then break into a toothless grin. She would also coo and make so many funny sounds that me thinks she can’t wait to talk! Uber cute!!

Looks like I won’t be getting free time anymore!

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