Tuesday, July 14, 2009

She Loves Chicken Feet

I know some of you can’t believe it. But it’s true.

Apart from fried chicken wings (her 1st love!~), Joey loves chicken feet boiled in soup. While some of you grimace at the thought of eating slimy chicken feet, she absolutely loves it.

When she came home last night, I told her I cooked chicken soup for her for dinner. Her 1st question: ‘有没有那个手啊?’ Alright, she can’t tell the difference between hands and feet yet, but at least she does know what they are! We didn’t deceive her into taking chicken feet, OK?! Anyway, chicken feet are high in collagen. Good for her bones!

Cooked dinner for the Mister and Miss in my house last night!

Stir-fried Xiaobaicai


Chicken mushroom soup


 Fried Onion eggs


Prawns in ready-to-use chili crab paste


Haha.. dare not venture into cooking crabs yet, so I thought I’ll try the paste on prawns first. Tastes not too bad, just not spicy enough. I might really try cooking chili crabs soon!!!

And my Miss? Only attacked the chicken feet..


Told ya.

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