Monday, August 03, 2009

A Cry Baby

Obviously an unsuccessful attempt to cheer her up.DSC05863 DSC05864DSC05867 DSC05865 DSC05866

I have to admit that Baby Jayne is much more of a cry baby than Baby Joey.

Baby Jayne finds such joy in crying that she does it frequently enough to drive her ever-patient mummy nuts sometimes.

Babies cry for many reasons. The most common ones (and the few I always check first) are that they are hungry, sleepy, diapers wet or feeling too hot/cold. A cold forehead indicates that she is feeling pain somewhere, usually the tummy/stomachache. If none of these hits the jackpot, she’s usually just being fussy  a.k.a SHE JUST WANTS TO CRY & WHINE. Now that’s the worst of the lot.

While it used to be that Baby Joey would stop crying when we carry her and walk around, Baby Jayne doesn’t seem to be as easily pacified. She can actually just go on and on crying for no reason at all, until finally someone succeeds in putting her to sleep. I know that babies generally feed & sleep with little awake moments, but she’s two months plus now, and I would expect that she might enjoy some moments sitting in her rocking car seat and just watch TV a little bit. But the most she can last in a car seat is 10 minutes. After that she’s back to her get-me-out-of-this-thing! crying stint again. It seems that apart from drinking milk, she just wants to sleep. Patting her to sleep usually ends my agony of hearing a screaming babe. Not being willing to be awake for more than 10 minutes also means that we only get 10 precious minutes of play time each time she’s awake for her feed.

My mum-in-law says that every baby is different, and I have to agree. Some tactics work on Baby Joey but not on Baby Jayne. I have to grasp the temperament of this baby and apply certain tactics that can pacify her. I wish there’s a sure-proof method, but nothing definitely always works, so I’m constantly on trial and error, with the latter happening several times a day. Bleh.


  1. "It seems that apart from drinking milk, she just wants to sleep. "

    Um, you mean you have the perfect baby? I wish most parents wouldn't mine!!!!

  2. wahahaha... a perfect baby will drink up every ounce of milk without fussing, then fall asleep immediately when I put her back into the cot..

    Mine, unfortunately, takes alot of patting or rocking before she falls asleep....
