Saturday, August 08, 2009

Fun @ Sentosa

I love to see my Joey having fun. Her smiles & laughters are really contagious, and they warm my heart. :)

So on a sunny Saturday afternoon, we brought Joey to the kids’ water play area at Sentosa. There’s just something about Sentosa – the atmosphere of holiday is perpetually in the air. Love it.


The water play area is at Palawan Beach, and lots of parents bring theirs kids here for free play time. Many of them come properly dressed in swimsuits, prepared with buckets, spades and other digging & scooping equipment. Those who didn’t bring along can purchase a set from the Island Shop or 7-Eleven at $6.

I dared not let Joey wear her swimsuit because all she has are bikinis, and God knows how dirty the water is. I don’t want to risk a skin infection. How kiasee, I know. =P



My Joey may be brave and gutsy in many areas, but she is really scared of splashing water. Those water-spurting points scare her like crazy and she dared not go near them at all. The other kids had so much fun, and despite my constant urging, she refused to go near them. Sigh.


So, she spends all of her time scooping & re-scooping water, pouring & re-pouring them.





The only excitement in her water play today, I must say, should be this leaf she found in the waters. When she proudly & excitedly showed it to me, I had to do a good mummy thing - “Wow Joey, that’s a really nice leaf you found! How amazing!” I rolled my eyes when she turned her back from me.



And of course, how could I resist savoring a freezing-cold Ice Kacang on such a hot day? :)


1 comment :

  1. i can't help but feel my little baby Joey has grown into a very pretty girl now.. =)
