Thursday, August 06, 2009

The Grandparents

I love to meet my parents for dinner. They are the most adorable people on this earth! =D

I have to admit that I didn’t adore them as much while growing up. =P After I’m grown up & married with kids, I’ve actually grown closer to them. Yeah, they still nag every time they see me, but they just do it in such a cute way. :) I think it’s because that they are now older and their kids have grown up, so they live a much more relaxed life and are no longer burdened about little things in life like putting bread on the table.

I always tease my dad that growing up, I’ve NEVER seen him behave the way he smiles or plays with my babies. I only remembered him as a rather stern man. Now, he would make funny sounds and make funny faces just to make them smile. God created grandparents to dote on the little children!



A simple dinner is happy as long as we’re eating with people we love.


Joey was so tired at dinnertime…


… but woke up immediately when she saw Coca Cola!!


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