Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Oh My, She’s Hyperactive TOO?!

Yes, I know.

Many people have the false impression that Baby Jayne is demure and quiet, probably doesn’t move much, and will turn out to be a shy girl who loves nothing but reading.

The truth is, she is just as hyperactive as her sister, if not, MORE HYPERACTIVE. I know that sounds scary, seeing how active Joey already is. But it’s not something I have any control over.

My only consolation is that active kids are smarter. God, I pray it’s true.

Okay, here I go. Jayne doesn’t stay still. At any given point in time, some parts of her body are always moving, mostly the legs. If you have not watched her in action in the Jumperoo, you ought to go watch it now. Ever since she got used to the Jumperoo, she has been advancing in her jumping & hopping ability by leaps & bounds, literally. Today as I was watching her getting real high jumping in it, there were times I had to stop myself from curbing her for fear that she’d bounce out and land somewhere else. Her jumping was that vigorous.

When she’s doing her belly time, her legs and hands move at an incredibly fast rate, you’d think she’s lightning girl. I always wonder why the legs don’t ache from so much exercise everyday.

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She gets bored really fast, and once she’s bored, she gets into her screaming mode. Active kids can seldom stay still in one place or position, and needs to be entertained much. When I place her in  her cot, she kicks her legs and waves her hands and screams, just to make me turn my head to look at her. Then once I am looking at her, she gets into superfast leg & hands shaking mode, complemented by high-pitching screaming and screeching of delight. Very, very easily excited no doubt.

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Have I mentioned before that there were many mornings I woke up to find her sleeping in the exact opposite direction as how she fell asleep the night before? That’s how much she moved in the night, even when she’s asleep.

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But of course, while every parent dream of having quiet, studious and well-behaved kids, I think active kids make parenthood a whole lot more interesting. Active kids always do funny things and make their parents laugh (I would know), and they actually pick up many things through their trial and error. Because of their heightened curiosity, their learning curve is steeper than kids who are more passive. (Can you see I’m trying to console myself here?)

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Then again, who can I blame? I’ve been told that both Isaiah and I was were hyperactive kids when we were little. It’s no wonder that our power combined have produced 2 really active kids. Isn’t there a chinese saying that goes, ‘Green comes out of blue, and wins the blue?’

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Baby Jayne is starting to crawl soon, and I know when she finally masters the skill, I am going to be chasing her everywhere. Oh, I feel tired just thinking of it. =P

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