Sunday, January 03, 2010

Entering 2010 – Swimming!

The swimming pool of St Regis is one good place to relax and just enjoy the sun. The pool’s not very big, but it has got lots of ankle-level water sections just for kids to enjoy splashing and kicking around.

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Suntanning beds in a bed of shallow water. Very refreshing concept. :) Right at the other end, there are mini pavilions with sun-beds. Balinese style.

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Joey was super excited when she saw the pool… Couldn’t wait to jump in with Daddy. =)

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Mummy & Baby Jayne rest on one of the suntanning beds. Thank God for the huge umbrella shading. It actually felt surreal and calm sitting there staring at the pool. How destressing!

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Baby Jayne has always liked bathing, so when she saw the waters, she actually grinned. It was something she liked.

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Kept staring at the ripples caused by the mini fountain just next to our sun bed.

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Joey loves such one-to-one time with Daddy. Haha!

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Then Daddy attempted to let Baby Jayne have her virgin soak in the swimming pool…

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But the water was too cold. She doesn’t like it. =P

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So it’s back to the safe and cosy sun bed with me. keke! She’s much happier staying here, I suppose!

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Look what Daddy is doing to Joey!!!

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Much to our delight, the hotel staff then served us a tray of fruit platter, iced water and even gave us a bottle of H2O spray. Good for those who are sun-tanning! And again I say, ‘Good service!’

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Joey had loads of fun! =D

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And I wanna go back there again another time! So relaxing, I love it! =D

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