Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Joey’s 1st TCM Experience

Recently, Joey’s appetite for milk seemed to have dropped (even though her appetite for other solid foods did not drop) and has been having fitful nights of sleep, so my MIL suggested that we bring her to see a Chinese physician. After all, she’s not exactly sick, so chinese medication would work better for her, as we’re seeking to improve the general well-being of her body.

So yesterday we went to the Eu Yan Sang TCM Clinic at Sembawang. My 1st time there and definitely Joey’s as well!

19 Jan 048

They have a station that serves free herbal tea. I tried it, and it’s quite nice – a concoction of wolfberries, wild ginseng etc.

19 Jan 047

The Chinese physician is from China.

19 Jan 049

As with usual doctor visits, Joey was nervous. And because this clinic is a new environment for her, she initially refused to step into the doctor’s room.

19 Jan 035

The physician asked about our concerns, then took Joey’s pulse. Thank God we prepped her before we went that the doctor will touch her wrist and check her pulse, so she willingly cooperated.

19 Jan 037

19 Jan 041

No other instruments were used unlike those in the western clinics. The physician mainly asked questions and diagnosed accordingly. It seemed that her pulse is normal and the reason why she could be refusing milk may be because she hasn’t  been getting enough good sleep. It’s kind of like a vicious cycle.

Poor Joey was a nerve wreak the whole time we were inside the doctor’s room. =P

19 Jan 042

So the physician prescribed medication for her to calm her nerves and improve her  appetite, and she needs to take 2 packets of powder everyday for 6 consecutive days.

This is what her medication looks like:

19 Jan 076

They basically mixed all the different herbs together and pounded them into powder form and divided into 12 equal packets. All we need to do is to dissolve them in warm water and let Joey drink it down. TCM is so modernized and convenient now!

Advice for parents considering to bring your kids to see a TCM doctor: If your kid has no liking for herbal stuffs, you might want to reconsider because the concoction can be bitter and difficult to swallow. Thankfully, Joey loves herbal stuffs (she especially likes chewing on bitter American ginseng slices!), so it was not that hard to get her to consume her medication.

I don’t know whether it’s psychological, but right after taking her 1st packet of medication, she drank a bottle of milk (much more than what she drank the past few days). =P We’ll see the effects better after the 6 days are over. =)


  1. wow..... joey is very clever leh.... i tried the Eu Yan San medicine before.. so bitter wor.... need to drown lots of water to wash down the bitterness after that.

  2. Ya boy.. I dun think I will dare to drink either. The whole concoction is charcoal black... =X

  3. can we just go and drink e herbal tea?
