Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Speed Up The Conquering

I have no idea why but it seemed to me that Baby Jayne’s been picking up steam in her milestone conquering quest.

There was a period of time I was rather concerned because she seemed to be quite slow in her motor skills development. While her peers were sitting with ease, she was only starting to flip. And when she finally started sitting, her friends were already crawling all over the place.

But all of a sudden, she started to sit, crawl and pull herself to a standing position using things as support! It’s as if she started speeding up in her conquest!

The baby in question.

19 Jan 098

Her cot used to be a safety net for me. Every time I need to let her out of my sight for a while, I put her into the cot because she can’t get out of it. I would let her scream, whine and yell inside while I get my much-needed bath or cook lunch, but there was really not much real harm done.

19 Jan 095

Now, however, things have taken for a turn. She will pull herself up from a sitting position into a standing position by using her arm strength!

 19 Jan 150

See how almost half of her body is hanging above the rail? Scary. Can’t leave her alone inside anymore. :(

19 Jan 093

These cuties used to entertain Baby Jayne while she’s inside the cot. They no longer serve any purpose now.

19 Jan 130 

19 Jan 172

19 Jan 174

19 Jan 188

19 Jan 193

Catch her in action! And see how encouraging Joey is? We all need an encouraging sibling who believes in us. :)

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