Friday, January 29, 2010

Watermelons Are Awesome! And I Mean The Yellow Ones.

You didn’t expect us to get that excited over a yellow watermelon, did you?

Well, WE DID!

The story goes like this: The weather was really hot, and we were all getting pretty heaty, so Papa Isaiah went along to buy us all a big watermelon. To cool us all down. We went straight to the devouring when the watermelon was brought out of the fridge. As such, what you see below is a half-eaten melon, no less.

God is definitely the best artist ever. Just look at how yellow this yellow is! Sunny, lovely and absolutely delicious-looking.


It’s huge, juicy and very cold!



I don’t think Baby Jayne likes watermelons very much. I tried putting a small bit into her mouth and she almost regurgitated. =P


Still, it’s an object of interest to her. Can’t blame her really, it’s cold and brightly colored.


Joey had so much of the watermelon, I was kinda worried she might get a stomachache. Thank God it didn’t happen.


I declare: “Watermelons are awesome!!”

And I did get feel a lot cooled down after feasting on it. Yummy.

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