Saturday, January 30, 2010

Getting Down To Her Level

I remembered Joey loved standing up when she was about to start walking. Because all she could do was lie down and sit up in the first 10 months of her life, she particularly enjoys standing up by holding on to something. The same thing is happening to Jayne now.

She can’t pull herself up to a standing position yet, but if I let her hold on to something, she can stand there for the longest time. Well, at least more than enough time for me to whip out my camera and shoot!

The sturdy gate at the nursery entrance


She gets all gleeful when she stands. It’s almost like a sign of victory, ‘See, mum! I can stand!’





I was pretty early one morning in office, and while waiting for the nursery staff to arrive, I decided to get down to Jayne’s level….

It’s pretty ridiculous-looking if you caught me taking these photos. I was practically on fours flat on the ground, face-down. Anything for great photos. =)


Somehow, things look a little different down here. The doors to the rooms look scarily tall and huge! It takes a lot of guts to be a baby.


And frankly, there’s really nothing much to do here except for eating dirt (ok baby, mummy understands better now.)


Oh well, it actually feels good being at this level. (No, I don’t mean the eating dirt)


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