Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Baby Jayne Is Sick


Poor Baby Jayne caught the stomach flu virus and has been whiney since Monday. She first threw up all her milk and porridge on Monday evening, merlion style no less, then regurgitated all her milk in the same fashion again just a couple of hours later. Then on Tuesday morning 3am, she LS. Vomited again the next morning after her milk. It’s a scary sight because this is the first time in her life that she merlioned. Sigh.

Brought her to see a GP on Tuesday morning and she was given paracetamol and  some probiotics for her stomach. Then because she vomited and LS again in the afternoon without drinking any milk and was running high fever, we brought her to KK Children’s Hospital for check-up.

Thank God her urine sample showed it was not urinary tract infection, so she only has the stomach flu virus. Sad thing is that we were told the virus will only clear in 5 days. =(

Last night however, her condition picked up. She managed to drink some very diluted soy milk without throwing up, and at 3am this morning, we fed her again. Her fever was also gone by 6am this morning. We have been feeding her rice water, hopefully can give her some energy and replenish fluids.

Please keep Baby Jayne in prayers, won’t you? We’re praying she will recover much faster than expected!

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