Tuesday, February 02, 2010

A Johor Bahru Excursion

Yesterday was my off day, and our aunt & cousins from Australia are at JB, so we brought the kids to JB by bus – Me, my MIL, Joey and Jayne.

Woodlands is so near to JB that the whole journey took less than an hour, albeit lots of walking and a bus journey caught in a long traffic jam – That’s how near we are to Malaysia. =P

I always love to go to this auntie’s place, because it’s a comfortable & cosy house with lots of greenery. I dream to have a house like this in the future!





But for Joey, she spends 90% of her time in this house at the outdoor porch area, where the fish pond is, not because she particularly likes these fishes, but because she’s scared of something in the house.




Actually, Joey doesn’t have a history of being scared of dogs. She’s even dared to touch a dog that’s 3 times her size. But this little doggie is so hyperactive and warm that it pounced on Joey the first time they met.  The result was a long-standing hatred for the dog by little Missy. The feeling is not mutual though. Cookie still loves to run towards her at high speed every time they meet, and Joey would always run out of the house at an equally high speed. They cannot co-exist in the same house, and so Joey prefers to stay outdoors most of the time.

She entertained herself with eating melon seeds. (Sidenote to Dawn: Joey loves this T-shirt you gave her for Christmas. She always says she’s MR OPPS when she wears it. Ok, she’s not so clear about gender right now. =P)



She spent so much time breaking open the melon seeds that she became quite an expert by the end of the day.


This is a safe place because the flooring is made of stone, and Cookie has some unknown fear of stepping on stone. He never dares to step out of the house into the outdoor porch area. Each time he tries to go near, Joey goes, ‘COOKIE!! NOOOOOOOOO!’ with the fiercest voice. I’m raising up a chili padi, for sure.


Baby Jayne enjoyed herself too, it seemed. She was all smiles when we brought her outdoors to see the fishes, mini fountain and the greens. =)


Cheryl, the kids’ aunt from Australia. :)


There is a huge area of carpet grass, where the kids had fun on.. Joey terrorised her uncle who came back from Australia by playing wrestling, piggy-backing, hide-and-seek... He is our cousin who is a Jay Chou look-a-like. :)



Baby Jayne was intrigued by the texture of the carpet grass, and kept touching it..






Towards the end, Baby Jayne was getting irritated because the carpet grass was too prickly.. =P


Chinese New Year is coming, and as per our annual tradition, we will be at JB on the first day of the new year for a family reunion lunch at Grandma’s house, then adjourn to this house for coffee and CNY goodies. I love it! Can’t wait for it to come in 2 weeks’ time! =D

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