Monday, February 22, 2010

CNY 2010 Special Edition: The Buffet

On the 2nd day in KL, my aunt brought us all to have lunch at a Japanese buffet restaurant. I was totally amazed at the scale of the buffet line. They had everything imaginable: Mini steamboat, teppanyakki, grilled items, fried items, sushi, sashimi, raw oysters, pizza, spaghetti, chinese cuisine, salads, lots and lots of cakes and pastries, ice cream, waffles… I was really amazed.

The restaurant.


The restaurant had such a detailed pricing policy that I could not understand why they have to make life so difficult for themselves. They even made Joey stand at a chart to see how tall she is, so that they can charge accordingly.


According to the chart, she’s slightly more than 1 metre tall! And so, we must pay RM20 for her. How expensive…


The first station we went to was the Thai coconut station where we had to prick a hole in the coconuts ourselves. Super thirst-quenching!

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My aunt with Baby Jayne!


Crab. One whole crab barbecued and delivered to our table. Brilliant colors.


Baby Jayne munching on some pizza bread. =) You can see, I’m really quite relaxed about what my baby eats.

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It’s the only sure way to keep her seated in the high chair so that we can eat in peace. :) IMG_1379

Somewhere along the biting, she got upset because she dropped the pizza bread..


So I gave her a slice of white bread instead..


Happy again. =)


Joey, on the other hand, was busy monkeying around and taking photos…

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Throughout the lunch, she was just ‘stuck’ to this cousin of mine (which is her uncle). It’s obvious she adores him!



We were totally soaked in the Lunar New Year mood of feasting and more feasting! And it’s only Day 2 in KL!


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