Sunday, February 21, 2010

CNY 2010 Special Edition: The Road Trip to KL & Day 1

It can be a nightmare lugging 2 young kids on a road trip, especially when your husband (who is the main disciplinarian) is not on the trip with you. Thankfully, I survived the trip to KL and back in one piece. And I must say, I am so proud of my girls! They behaved and endured the whole journey (the trip to KL took us 6 hours because of a massive traffic jam caused by a 7-car collision on the expressway!).

I have to first flood you with beautiful photos of nothing but the blue sky and the green trees along the expressway we travelled on. It was like a beautiful painting. Absolutely perfect.

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One very crucial ingredient we had to keep Baby Jayne entertained on the roads was this:

Cucumber sticks


We figured since her gums are super itchy, she might as well bite on something nutritious and hygienic. She has no teeth yet, so the cucumbers won’t break and there’s no danger of choking. If she swallows the juice, it’s good for her too. =) Carrots work just as well too.


She was kept entertained for the longest time possible. The rest of the time, she took naps. Bliss. :)


After a 6-hour drive, we reached my aunt’s (mum’s sister) house where we were going to stay for 4 days. Dinner was at my mum’s cousin’s place!


The girls were not exhausted from the drive at all!

Many of the relatives saw Joey and looked genuinely surprised that she’s grown so pretty and absolutely Jap-looking.. hmm, i seriously don’t remember her being ugly as a baby! She was so cute lor! =P


It’s the first time Baby Jayne’s meeting everyone, so many people took turns to carry her around the house. It’s amazing she’s totally not scared of strangers and can even flash a smile immediately to people she has not met before. That’s how she stole the hearts of my relatives. Haha!


My mum was one proud Grandma… carrying her everywhere to show off to the relatives. =P


Joey, especially, played SOOOOO much. And it was only Day 1. She had a blasting time with my cousins. Thank God for patient cousins. God bless them.


Yes, you’ve guessed it. She made them play hide-and-seek with her! She was the youngest among the rest of the children there, but she was commanding everyone to follow her instructions! I am getting more and more certain she might become a police inspector when she grows up. =P

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My cousins were amazed by her limitless energy. Haha! They ain’t seen nothing yet!

She even made this cousin of mine piggy-back her everywhere!!!


The highlight was meeting many, many relatives! I haven’t met many of them before. Haha! It’s just heartwarming to be in a house full of people who are related to you. =)

The old folks..


The only lady in the photo below is my mum’s 2nd sister, the one whose house we stayed in. She is such an amazingly strong woman who’s good at running business and taking care of kids! I love our long chit chat sessions every night with my dad and mum. =)


The younger generation


We had such an awesome heartwarming family gathering!! =D

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