Saturday, February 27, 2010

I Brought Baby Jayne To Her School

Before you gasp and think I would be so kiasu to send Baby Jayne to a school at 9 months, you’re jumping ahead of yourself! haha!

One of the days last week, I brought Baby Jayne to Joey’s school, and this is going to be her school as well in 2 years’ time and she will be schoolmates with her sister for a year. =)

Baby Jayne likes the school very much, I can tell.





The reason why I went was because I wanted to peek at Joey’s music appreciation class. I signed her up for the class with Kindermusik (which has an affiliation with the school and sends teachers to the school once a week to teach the kids), and was told that it is a very reputable music school. I wanted to see if she enjoys the class and whether it’s worthwhile to continue the class. Joey seemed to have a talent in the musical arena, which was the reason why we signed her up for it.

Knowing my daughter, I dare not step into the classroom and let her see me, so all I did was peek in from one of the windows blocked by the displays, allowing only a small hole for me to see.


There she was!


The teacher knew I was spying outside, so she made several attempts to make Joey play the drums facing me so that I can get good shots. Haha, it was too difficult carrying Baby Jayne in one hand, and holding the camera in the other! 


Quite frankly, the music class looked very boring to me. The teacher spent 10 minutes demonstrating that drums make sound when hit and waited for the kids to go ‘wow’' – Oh please, our kids are smarter than that.

Abrupt jump to another topic.

That day I was just thinking to myself that I ought to make more effort at being amazed at Baby Jayne’s milestone-conquering journey. I think it’s a pitfall of all parents with multiple children. We were all very super amazed and excited when our FIRST kid flipped or started to crawl forward. It was always, “OH MY GOODNESS! SHE JUST FLIPPED!!! DEAR!! SHE JUST FLIPPED OVER!!!!!! DID YOU SEE THAT?? DID YOU??? OH MY!!!!”

When it comes to the 2nd or 3rd child, we go, “Oh look, she just flipped. Great. Oh yes, dear, what’re we having for dinner tonight?”

You get my point.

So the 2nd kid onwards gets a lousy deal, I must say. Conquering a milestone is major in their development and definitely deserves more recognition and praise. Therefore, I am proud to say that I have managed to captured the important moment of…


















Way to go, Jayne! Jie Jie’s got your back covered. Literally. :)

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